Sunday, February 7, 2010

Small Talk

One night when my parents were on a date I decided to take Beth to her favorite restaurant - McDonalds - and a movie. Whilst at McDonalds we were talking about the show Hannah Montana, how much she loved Nick Jonas, and how excited for the movie she was.
Then, suddenly, she changed topic.
She started talking to me about how badly she didn't want to die, and how much she's going to miss us when she goes. She said she was excited to be with our late grandma, but that she didn't want to die first. She didn't want our parents to die, but she didn't want to die before them. Then she asked me if I would miss her, too.
Coming from someone who's conversation topics rarely stray from what's been on the Disney Channel recently, I was dumbstruck. So was our sister Sharaya when I told her the news. Beth never usually opens up to anyone about anything, let alone life's intricacies.
I guess you just never know what goes on in their minds.

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