Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It's interesting, I suppose, that I start this up whilst watching the latest episode of Glee - the one where they tackle the 'discrimination' topic. This has been a frequent topic throughout my entire life. My eldest sister has Down syndrome (and my dad is mortally obese, but thats another story for another time). Although my mom talks about how hard my childhood must have been - from getting flipped off in parking lots at the ripe old age of four, to dodging thrown rocks on the walk home from school - I don't really know any different. My sister is my sister; always has been and she always will be.

I decided to start this blog for an inside point of view. I know there are loads of parents that blog about their children, but none of them really have the insight siblings do. Parent know a life before Special Ed classes, siblings don't. Some parents have admitted to complete ignorance before having their child, siblings don't need books or classes to figure it out. Having Beth as a sister is difficult, confusing, irritating and hard but I don't really know any different.

She's crazy, funny, annoying and loud. She loves anything Disney - especially princesses! - and any decent musical. It's impossible to wake her up in the morning, and if she's in the middle of a movie, she won't move not matter what. She takes a walk everyday, and practices for her weekly karaoke group every waking minute of every day. She could eat Mcdonalds for days on end, and she is always in possesion of some Sprite. She has Downs and a thyriod problem, and throughout the years she discovered it was easier to let other people talk for her, and that people will generally get frustrated with her for no reason. The truth is, she's a lot more intellegent than she is given credit for. She's goofy, and she's my best friend.

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